Kelley Lynch's Email to LAPD's TMU Re: Criminal Harassment, Stalking, Etc.
From: Kelley Lynch <> Date: Tue, Jul 18, 2017 at 5:06 AM Subject: Fwd: Your flurry of additional emails to TMU, others on 7/17 - cc to me To:, "*IRS.Commisioner" <*>, Washington Field <>, ASKDOJ <>, "Division, Criminal" <>, MollyHale <>, Opla-pd-los-occ <>, "Kelly.Sopko" <>, Whistleblower <>, Attacheottawa <>, Stan Garnett <> Marc Madero, As I've said, after discussing the situation with my roommate, Paulette Brandt, we felt it would be best if your unit reviewed the unconscionable amount of harassing emails and unwanted communications I have received over approximately 24 hours. Many...